Product Reviews~ Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips

I love coffee. I love red wine. My teeth however do not. 

My father in law is a dentist. I have been talking for years about going to his office to get my teeth professionally whitened. The problem is that he lives in New York....driving for 3 hours to for an hour long procedure - not very smart.

I do use a toothpaste that is a whitening formula but you have to understand; I LOVE coffee.  I LOVE red wine. In the past I have tried some of the teeth whitening strips. I never really felt that I had much luck and I couldn't stand how they felt on my teeth. 

About a week or so ago on a trip to Wal-Mart I came across the Rembrandt Stain Dissolving Strips. Dissolving?? My curiosity was peaked!

They were retailing for $19.97...with two weeks worth of product. Here is the info from the back of the box:

"Give your teeth a whitening boost and reclaim a natural looking, white smile - in just minutes.
*Whitens tough surfaces stains like coffee, tea, soda, red wine and smoking.
*Dissolves new surface stains before they have a chance to set
*Same enamel safe ingredients dentists use.
The strips are designed for both the upper and lower teeth and are dissolve in 5-10 minutes, with nothing to remove."

I wish that I would have thought to take a good before picture but alas I did not. I have been using them once a day (the box directions says you can use them twice a day), usually at bed time. And I can actually tell a bit of a difference. It's nothing too dramatic but I can see that some of the stains have lightened.  The strips do completely dissolve, but after about 5 minutes your teeth do feel a bit gummy, which is why I prefer to do it at night right before I sleep.

There are 56 strips and there is also a $2.00 off coupon inside the box good on any Rembrandt Product.  I did take a peek on Amazon and they are also retailing there for $19.99. However I noticed that Amazon has a Rembrandt 2-hour Whitening kit for only $14.99. If you feel the strips might not be what you are looking for that might be good option to choose.

As I said I am only about a week in and am seeing some gradual results so I am curious to see how they look at the end of the 2 weeks! Do you have any teeth whitening products? Have you had great success with any one item? Please share here or head over to my Facebook page: Makeup by Miranda. 

You can also check me out on Instagram at miralee26beauty...I post quite a few makeup looks on there as well! 


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